Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marjane Satrapi s Persepolis And The War Between Iran And...

In life, growing up is inevitable and happens to everyone, but how that growing up occurs can be very different depending on your environment. Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical graphic novel, Persepolis, is set in Iran before and during the Iranian Revolution of the late 1970’s and the war between Iran and Iraq. The graphic novel centers around the daughter of an Iranian family, Marjane, who is an energetic and jubilant young girl at the beginning of the story.The revolution and other factors force her to mature quickly as she is influenced by violence, destruction, and the people surrounding her. Marjane’s growth and development throughout the book are greatly affected by the people around her, such as her parents and her friends.One instance is when Marjane has been spending time with her family s maid, Mehri. While Marjane spent time with her, Mehri was flirting with a next door neighbor of Marjane’s family. When Marjane’s father finds out about this he tells the neighbor that Mehri was their maid and the neighbor decides not to continue seeing her. Then Marjane’s father tells Marjane that their love is impossible because they are in different social classes and Marjane gets frustrated and angry. She asks her father, â€Å"Is it her fault she was born where she was born?† (37, panel 6). She also asks him â€Å"Dad are you for or against social classes?† (37, panel 6). The speech balloon that she asks this question in is jagged and spiky and in the panel her hands are claspedShow MoreRelatedMarjane Satrapi s Persepolis 1314 Words   |  6 PagesPersepolis is an autobiography of Marjane Satrapi’s childhood in her native Iran. She writes about being a child in Iran through the Iranian revolution and the Iran-Iraq war. As Satrapi recounts stories of her youth, one can observe that the Iran-Iraq war and the Iranian revolution are the central events driving the entire story. When the revolution and war happens, the dynamics of the book change completely. War creates a sense of unity and nationalism. Marjane shows a large contrast between herRead MoreHow and Why Is a Social Group Represented in a Particular Way? Persepolis1442 Words   |  6 Pagesare marginalized, excluded or silenced in the text? Outline: * Show how Marjane Satrapi grew up under oppression during the Islamic Revolution in Iran. * Give and explain evidence of how the author presents that different social groups were marginalized/silenced. * Show how Marji and her parents shared the same beliefs when making reference to the regime.    The graphic novel Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, explores her childhood years in the middle of the Islamic Revolution. SituatedRead MoreHow and Why Is a Social Group Represented in a Particular Way? Persepolis1429 Words   |  6 Pageshow Marjane Satrapi grew up under oppression during the Islamic Revolution in Iran. * Give and explain evidence of how the author presents that different social groups were marginalized/silenced. * Show how Marji and her parents shared the same beliefs when making reference to the regime.    The graphic novel Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, explores her childhood years in the middle of the Islamic Revolution. Situated in the commotion of the overthrowing of the Shahs regime, and the war withRead MorePersepolis Is The Realistic Novel1476 Words   |  6 PagesPersepolis is the realistic novel about the life Marjane in pre and post progressive war in Iran and her transition in Europe. The novel explains Satrap’s development from young sge to defiant punk-cherishing adolescent in Iran. Importantly, its mostly it covered Satrap growing strains of the political atmosphere in Iran in during the 70s and 80s, with individuals from her liberal inclining family kept and afterward executed, and the foundation of the grievous Iran/Iraq war. This novel also explainsRead MorePersepolis: A Script on the Iran War Essay930 Words   |  4 Pages Persepolis is a graphic memoir of Marjane Satrapi. The book has received multiple accolades and citations for its realistic and well-writ ten script as well as its commitment against totalitarianism. Satrapi writes (and draws) of her life during the war between Iran and Iraq. It has both literal and symbolic meanings hidden among the drawings, as it also shows the hardships she faced in other countries and even, at times, in her home country of Iran. It helps to show the past and somewhat presentRead MoreMarjane Satrapi s Persepolis 1646 Words   |  7 Pages Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel Persepolis is an expressive memoir of her growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution, the fall of the Shah’s regime and the Iran-Iraq War. Unlike conventional memoirs, she uses the black-and-white comic book form to find her identity through politics and her personal experiences in Iran and it has become effective and relevant in today’s society because she is a normal person that has had to live through extreme circumstances. Marjane has contributed to a wholeRead More Marjane Satrapis Persepolis3668 Words   |  15 PagesIn the 1970s a great power struggle began in Iran, leading to a profusion of civil unrest and mass emigration. In 1941 Iranian monarch Reza Shah, was removed from power by the United States and replaced by his son, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, who Westernized the highly conservative and religious nation. He continued implementing the Westernized laws set by his father, which were known to discouraged democratic political expression in the public sphere and condemned Islamic fundamentalismRead MoreAnalysis Of Persepolis And The Sub Themes1399 Words   |  6 Pagesperspective of Marjane is one of the overarching themes within the book Persepolis, and the sub themes that will be displayed are revolution, imperialism, nationalism, religion, and social class. These themes can be related back to the main theme because of how they share traits between the book and the image themselves. The image shows Tehran, Iran after the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which was very controversial (AFP/GETTY, Online). Many people thought that the election was rigged in Mahmoud ´s favorRead MorePersepolis and Courage Essay653 Words   |  3 Pages Persepolis and Courage Marjane Satrapi’s memoir Persepolis is considered a â€Å"coming of age† story based on her experiences growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. This graphic novel explores the life she lead in Tehran which encompassed the overthrow of the Shah’s regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. Undergoing life with such a chaotic environment, it took Satrapi courage to act and live as her â€Å"authentic self† and explore whatRead MoreThe And Flow Of Ideas About God And Religion Throughout The Life Of Marjane Satrapi1530 Words   |  7 Pagesabout God and religion throughout the life of Marjane Satrapi, the author of the autobiographical novel Persepolis, is made very clear in her novel. As she is introduced to new thoughts and experiences, her ideas change. When her parents expose her to their communist ideas begins to value her relationship with god less. When things return back to normal she returns. It is not until a series of fairly traumatic events that she drifts completely away. Satrapi uses Illustrations of her and God as a metaphor

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