Sunday, May 17, 2020

The California State Public Education System Essay examples

The California State Public Education System â€Å"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.† -Aristotle- It has been said many times that children are our future. That is a scary thought considering our lack of investment as a people in that future, for without a solid base of education now the bright future we hope for may never come to fruition. This Paper will look at the current state of the Public Education System of the Sate of California. It will focus on the breakdown of the current system looking specifically at the following issues: Lack of Funding for the System, Lack of Qualified Teaching Personnel, and issues caused by†¦show more content†¦Our Public School System is still plagued by lack of supplies and equipment as evidenced in our surveys where 100% of respondents stated that they felt supplies were below minimum standards to create an effective learning environment. We were given examples of students having to share textbooks. Textbooks being outdated with some being from the late 80’s, not a big deal for math texts but there has been a huge increas e in knowledge in Science and a significant change in the geography and history of our world which would make large sections of these older texts obsolete. Another large complaint is the lack of proper facilities. Most schools being aged and in need of serious repairs. Lack of Qualified Teachers We would all like to think that schools are going to educate every child and expect them to bring every child to high standards of performance. Until fairly recently it was a permissible practice to reserve the most qualified teachers for those schools serving high-achieving, affluent, college-bound students who were believed to hold the greatest promise of success. Holding school districts accountable for improving the performance of all schools and all students might well require that resources, both human and financial, be allocated according to greatest need ( This notion presents a challenge to publicShow MoreRelatedThe State Of California Governing Bodies Essay1418 Words   |  6 PagesThe State of California Governing Bodies The California Postsecondary Education Commission was granted puissant duties and powers in 1974, after replacing the Coordinating Council for Higher Education (Education Commission of the States, 2016). The commission does not serve as a governing board but as an advisory committee to the House of Representatives, governor, and higher education institutions, with matters paramount to education policies (Education Commission of States, 2016). 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